Your Selected Kitchen Designer Can Be Trusted With The Fixed Remodeling Budget!

December 11, 2015 Uncategorized

When it comes to kitchen designs, cabinetry always takes the largest portion of your budget. However, this amount is dependent on variables such as your selected door style, finish, cabinet materials, number of wanted cabinets, and the square footage. The next largest portion is your appliances, then the countertops, fixtures, lighting, flooring, etc. A proficient kitchen designer has extensive experience and knowledge of the real costs and can therefore design a project that perfectly fits your budget.


What is a realistic kitchen designing budget?

The costs of cabinets in most cases are based on a running foot. But what is considered in a running foot? Well, for an L-shaped kitchen, the running foot length runs from the corner of the cabinet wall to the first corner, and then from that corner to the other end. As such, there no need to deduct inches for your windows or appliances since all this has been taken into account in the measurement average. But because kitchen cabinets are categorized into four main categories, i.e., custom cabinets, semi-custom cabinets, assembled or stock cabinets, and ready to assemble or assemble yourself cabinets, you can expect to see a swing in their prices.

If you visit a large home improvement store with an aim to price your cabinets first, note that price per linear foot is only an estimate, and thus can be quite deceiving. In this case, if you are to procure taller wall cabinets, or anything other than the basics, there will be a price increase. Apart from this, price per linear foot doesn’t include options such as hardware, toe kicks, molding, and the likes. So you generally need to add around fifty percent to your design estimates in order to get close to the real price for a basic no-frills kitchen. Oh, and by the way, installation costs are extra.

Ask to get the facts

If you are to visit the store with an aim to acquire some cabinets for your kitchen, the price per linear foot on the counter of the display will turn out to be half the equation upon speaking with the sales representative. Their shown price normally excludes most of the options which is not the norm in the industry.

Simply put, they commonly put a lower price on the display so as to attract more customers into their shop. This is their marketing strategy. So we can comfortably say they are literally giving the customers half the equation by hiding important facts to them. This being the case, it is recommended that you ask to get all the facts first before purchasing any products from them.

This way, you can be able to make an informed purchasing decision. The best among home improvement stores wants their clients well informed and therefore will never hide important facts from them. However, clients are advised to always ask about what is not so clear to them before making the final buying decision.

Why should you opt for professional kitchen designers to help customize your kitchen?

On the other hand, when you opt for a professional kitchen designer, you won’t have to worry about whether you are getting the real truth or not. He or she ensures that you are properly informed so as to make an informed budgeting decision. In simple terms, what a professional kitchen designer will bring to the table is value.

And because he or she is offering you the whole true picture, you will be pleasantly surprised with the prices on offer when it comes to custom kitchen cabinets. Experienced designers offer very competitive prices and that are many times much lower than what you can actually get from any store. Moreover, you will get better quality kitchen cabinets compared to any you can purchase in a store.

Expert kitchen designers always come up with better, more intricate and functional designs that include more pieces and parts though that might slightly increase the overall costs. However, it is up to you to decide whether you want a room filled with stock cabinets from a home improvement store at a much lower price or quality custom-designed cabinets from the best designers and that will end up costing even lesser compared to the latter.

What custom kitchen designers do is to come up with unique designs like no other. As a result, their kind of designs significantly adds value to your home and therefore making it more appealing to would-be buyers when you finally decide to sell it. While not all custom kitchen designers are equal, if you have found the right custom kitchen designers in Newmarket, you will find that you can get a dream makeover even with a small budget. So it is important to consider what kind of a designer you want to work with before hiring him or her for the task at hand.

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